Character Match
If you ever wondered where you fit in Harry Potter's world, here's your chance to find out. Just read the following situation, then scroll through the options below on how to react. Pick whichever one most fits you, or whichever one you like the most, and click the link following it. That's it! Also, please do not take all of the character descriptions too seriously, as they are not necessarily meant to be so. This is purely for your personal entertainment value, and I'm certainly not out to offend anyone. One final note (for those of you still reading): if you have a website, feel free to save the corresponding image for your character to your files!
Kids are disappearing without a trace throughout the school, leaving no obvious clues behind them. While walking down the halls of Hogwarts one day, however, you trip over something. Getting up, you inspect the floor beneath your feet. You can just make out the outline of a slightly raised trapdoor, which you can't remember ever encountering before. You put your ear to it, and think you can hear people shuffling around below. What do you do?
You know all things reveal themselves if you watch and wait, and therefore you will keep your eye on it. You also ask Filch to patrol that particular hall, and make a mental note to ask Hagrid to keep a certain trio of children from stumbling upon it.
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You are quite adept at the game of watching and waiting, as well. However, you tell no one of your discovery. If you catch the kidnapper, there is a chance for personal glory. Besides, you never really know who you can trust.
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You never turn down a chance for personal glory, unless it involves personal risk. Therefore, you decide to accidentally drop a hint about the trapdoor in front of a certain group of kids. You're sure once they solve the mystery, you can find a way to transfer all of their glory to yourself.
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After pointing the trapdoor out to your best friend, you follow him through. You're not necessarily sure why this should be his responsibility, or yours, but you'll be right behind him if he gets into any trouble.
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You wonder who has set this plan up, and how you can get in on it. You're also very annoyed that your father never mentioned it to you. You decide to wait and see what happens, though--there may yet be a chance for you to cause some further mischief.
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You ignore the trapdoor altogether, or just forget about it. You were on your way about important business--planting some dungbombs outside the Slytherin dormitory.
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Without a second thought, you pull the trapdoor up and jump down feet first. Pulling your wand from your robes, you hold it out in front of you in the darkness. You're not sure what you'll do if you actually encounter the kidnapper, but you figure you can think of something off the top of your head. After all, that's always worked before.
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After informing Professor Dumbledore, you spend the entire day worried that your young friends will find the trapdoor. To make sure they're distracted, you invite them to your house for tea that afternoon.
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You follow your idiot friends through the trapdoor. They never follow the rules, and right now you're all going to be late for class. However, they'll probably need you to save their butts at some point, since they can never remember the right spells.
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