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To be sorted into your house at Hogwarts, simply pick from the four responses below the following situation, click on its link, and you're done! If you have a website, feel free to save the corresponding image for your house to your files!
As you are walking through the halls of Hogwarts, you become lost (which is not hard to do in this school). Trying not to panic, you turn down a hallway you think is familiar, but upon looking around, you find you have never been here before. Opening a door just ahead of you, you are alarmed to find an enormous hippogriff standing before you. He doesn't look terribly friendly. What do you do?
You have studied about many magicial creatures, and you know exactly how to behave in front of a hippogriff. Slowly, while keeping your eyes locked with the creature's, you bow to him. After a suspenseful moment, the hippogriff bows back, and you let out a sigh of relief.
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Giving the stupid, arrogant creature a swift kick in its scaly knee, you then slam the door shut and run as fast as your legs can carry you, back to your dormotory. There you will plan how to use the hippogriff to your advantage in the future.
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Pulling out your wand, you face the hippogriff. You don't want to hurt it, but there is a group of people behind you, and you don't want to risk it hurting them. You will face it, although you're not yet sure what you'll do.
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As you opened the door, your best friend tripped and fell behind you. You don't think it's a good idea to stick around, but you won't leave until your friend gets up. Drawing your wand, you prepare to defend your companion.
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